DC Comics The Adventures of Superman #500 Polybagged


The Adventures of Superman #500 is a pivotal issue in the aftermath of the “Death of Superman” storyline. The story, titled “Life After Death,” follows the emotional journey of Jonathan Kent (Superman’s adoptive father), who suffers a heart attack and hovers between life and death. While in this near-death state, Jonathan’s spirit embarks on a metaphysical journey where he encounters his son, Clark Kent, who recently died in battle against Doomsday. Jonathan fights to bring Clark back to the land of the living, which sets the stage for Superman’s eventual return.

The polybagged edition of this issue was released with additional features like a trading card and a poster, making it a popular collectible.

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DC Comics The Adventures of Superman #500 Polybagged

Estimated Grade/Condition: NM

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DC Comics The Adventures of Super-Man #500 Polybagged coverfront

DC Comics The Adventures of Super-Man #500 Polybagged backback


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